Thursday 6 December 2012

Ten ways to get a Job!

Getting a job can be one of the most frustrating things you do but with some simple steps it can be a great deal easier-

1- Be yourself. Don't be overly positive as people will see straight through this and think you are hiding something

2- Make sure you CV is simple, clear, concise and interesting. Bullet points that relate to job descriptions will be easier than long paragraphs as many potential employers just don't have the time to sift through wordy CVs

3- Rehearse possible interview questions or at least read the job description until you are confident you know it well. Don't regurgitate your answers at interview but use your prepared answers to help you talk fluently to the interviewer which will make you look more knowledgeable and confident.

4- Be yourself!!!

5- Sign up to local job agencies as well as online ones. Showing your face to a recruitment agency is a much better way of gaining employment than searching the internet all day. Its who you know that's important as we always hear, but its true. You need to get your face in the door before you get your foot in. 

6- Hand your CVs to local firms and initiate conversation. Companies may not take you on but by talking to them they may let you know people who are hiring. Its about using your interpersonal skills to get noticed and obtain information. The more you do this the easier it will get and this will also help your confidence at interview because you are 'Pro-actively seeking work' not just seeking work on the couch.

7- Don't be afraid to admit weaknesses at interview or even on your CV. Potential employers are looking for human beings despite how it feels sometimes. Never pretend you are a robot who can do anything as this it not true and you are setting yourself up for a fall. Go in slightly humble then surprise them with your knowledge in conversation. This will be more impressive than boasting on your CV or at interview and then failing on the job (that will not help your confidence or prospects)

8- Volunteer at places you like like charity shops or even get involved with charity work at your local supermarket. Getting your face seen means that if you apply for a job at the supermarket, your voluntary endeavours will go in your favour. Employers always like to see personality so don't become an automaton. You are a human and deserve to be treated as such. 

9- Be yourself, yes its so important.

10- Use your skills. Go for jobs that match your skills. If you are a people person you may hate admin jos so don't apply for them. If you are shy then don't apply for sales jobs, its pretty simple if you really think about it.

Good luck, its tough out there, but be confident in yourself and something will turn up if you look in the right places and show the right attitude. But remember be yourself.

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