Tuesday 27 November 2012

ten ways to improve your memory

Memory is something we all have, but some of us forget to use it! How do we improve it, can we improve it? Here are some suggestions that psychologists think can help us do just that-

1- The brain as they say is a muscle so use it. Join a brain training website to get the neurons firing. We learn to forget by not using the paths in our brain that become habitual paths. That's why when we learn a skill but then don't do it for a while it takes time to relearn those memorised patterns that are in our brains

2- Try not to rely on you phone to tell you everything. Try and think and see if you can remember yourself. By not relying on search engines or databases on our phones we train our brains to demand more from our memory and this helps us to have more confidence in our memory. The more you ask of yourself the more you will get back.

3- Get regular sleep. This helps to boost blood circulation and keeps blood sugar levels stable which aid all our brain functions.

4- Exercise. When we exercise we reduce the chance of getting diseases that effect our memory like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Exercise helps protect brain cells.

5-A strong social network can aid memory as we have to keep larger networks of people in our minds daily. Having a good support network around you also helps improve your health which is vital to memory skills.

6-Have hobbies or interests. Learn new skills to strengthen your adaptability and ability to learn new things an retain them.

7- Enjoy yourself. Studies show that laughter can increase our ability to think freely which helps us access information, remember jokes, anecdotes and other social information that enhances memory skills.

8- Eat well. Eat healthy foods that are high in vitamins and omega 3 foods such as oily fish or peanuts. Moderate red wine consumption, low saturated fat diet and eating vegetables all helps stave off Dementia an related conditions.

9- Use memory walks or 'mnemonic devices' to remember things. so to remember specific things you can use familiar places to make a mind map. So if you try and remember say the word 'mobile' you think about your room, and something in it like your bedside table and link the two by creating a memory walk 'I walked in to my room and to keep mobile I paced round the room'  The word is now part of an event, which is much easier to remember than a word with no context.

10- Don't watch tv all day. Take part in activities, be proactive in your life so that you don't float through life as a spectator. By being involved in life you create stronger connections both physically and mentally that allow you to remember things quicker because you access them more often. This is brain stimulation rather than brain sedation (watching too much TV)!

Do you have memory techniques that work for you, drop me a line, I would love to know what everybody thinks. Talk to me people!!

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